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gitopiad Installation

You can follow either of the following methods to install gitopiad in your system.

Download the release binaries

You can find the binaries for common architectures here.

This guide will explain how to install the gitopiad application onto your system. With these installed on a server, you can participate in the network as either a Full Node or a Validator.

Install build requirements

Install make and gcc.

On Ubuntu this can be done with the following:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y make gcc

Install Go

Install go by following the official docs. Remember to set your $PATH environment variable, for example:

mkdir -p $HOME/go/bin
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

Go 1.21+ or later is required.

Build the binary


To continue, you need to install the git-remote-gitopia helper. This will allow your command line to use the gitopia:// transport. To install git-remote-gitopia, follow the instructions here.

Next, let's build the latest version of Gitopia. Make sure you git checkout the v3.3.0 tag.

git clone -b v3.3.0 gitopia://gitopia/gitopia
cd gitopia && make install

That will install the gitopiad binary.


If you still have issues at this step, please check that you have the latest stable version of GO installed.

Using gitopiad

Once you have the latest gitopiad binary, run the below command to verify installation and check the version you are running.

gitopiad version --long

The above command should output something similar to the following:

-[email protected]
-[email protected]
-[email protected]
build_tags: netgo,ledger
commit: 0eab60ecf8c3e22e9c71d54346f76a35830a5dc5
cosmos_sdk_version: v0.46.13
go: go version go1.21.4 darwin/arm64
name: gitopia
server_name: gitopiad
version: 3.3.0

gitopiad usage:

gitopiad [command]

Command list

A list of commonly used gitopiad commands. You can obtain the full list by using the gitopiad -h command.

keysManage your keys
txTransactions subcommands
queryQuery subcommands
tendermintTendermint subcommands
configClient configuration
initInitialize full node
startRun full node
statusQuery remote node for status
versionPrint Gitopia version

Use gitopiad [command] --help for more information about a command.


Now you can Set Up a New Node