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Setting Up a New Node

These instructions are for setting up a brand new full node from scratch. If you haven't installed the gitopiad application, follow the instructions here.

First, choose a "moniker" - a readable name for your validator. In this guide, we'll use moniker-from-the-guide, but you should replace that with your own for the following instructions.


Monikers can contain only ASCII characters. Using Unicode characters will render your node unreachable.


Then initialize the node and create the necessary config files:

gitopiad init --chain-id "$GITOPIA_CHAIN_ID" "$GITOPIA_MONIKER"

You can edit this moniker later, in the ~/.gitopia/config/config.toml file:

# A custom human readable name for this node
moniker = "moniker-from-the-guide"

The current chain id is "gitopia".

From here on, your node can be configured in a number of different places.

  • ~/.gitopia/config/app.toml - cosmos-specific configuration
  • ~/.gitopia/config/config.toml - tendermint-specific configuration
  • environment variables and command-line options can override settings in the above configuration files.

Some common settings are described below.

Gas Prices

Your full-node keeps unconfirmed transactions in its mempool. In order to protect it from spam, it is better to set a minimum-gas-prices that the transaction must meet in order to be accepted in your node's mempool. This parameter can be set in ~/.gitopia/config/app.toml.

The initial recommended min-gas-prices is 0.001ulore, but you might want to change it later.

# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see

##### main base config options #####

# The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
# transaction. A transaction's fees must meet the minimum of any denomination
# specified in this config (e.g. 10uatom).

minimum-gas-prices = "0.001ulore"

Genesis & Seeds

Next, we need to configure the p2p network and ensure that you have the right genesis.json file to join the testnet.

Copy the Genesis File

Copy the gitopia-janus-testnet-2's genesis.json file into gitopiad's config directory ($HOME/.gitopia/config/genesis.json).

gunzip genesis.json.gz
mv genesis.json $HOME/.gitopia/config/genesis.json

Make sure you have the correct genesis file.

sha256sum $HOME/.gitopia/config/genesis.json

To verify the correctness of the configuration run:

gitopiad validate-genesis

Add Seed Nodes

Your node needs to know how to find peers. You'll need to add healthy seed nodes or persistent peers to $HOME/.gitopia/config/config.toml.

Seed Nodes


sed -i '' 's#seeds = ""#seeds = "[email protected]:26656"#' $HOME/.gitopia/config/config.toml


sed -i 's#seeds = ""#seeds = "[email protected]:26656"#' $HOME/.gitopia/config/config.toml

For more information on the how and why of seeds and peers, you can read this great documentation from the Tendermint maintainers.

A Note on Gas and Fees

Transactions on the Gitopia Mainnet need to include a transaction fee in order to be processed. This fee pays for the gas required to run the transaction. The formula is the following:

fees = ceil(gas * gasPrices)

The gas is dependent on the transaction. Different transaction require different amount of gas. The gas amount for a transaction is calculated as it is being processed, but there is a way to estimate it beforehand by using the auto value for the gas flag. Of course, this only gives an estimate. You can adjust this estimate with the flag --gas-adjustment (default 1.0) if you want to be sure you provide enough gas for the transaction.

The gasPrice is the price of each unit of gas. Each validator sets a min-gas-price value, and will only include transactions that have a gasPrice greater than their min-gas-price.

The transaction fees are the product of gas and gasPrice. As a user, you have to input 2 out of 3. The higher the gasPrice/fees, the higher the chance that your transaction will get included in a block.

For Gitopia mainnet, the recommended gas-prices is 0.001ulore.

Run a Full Node

Start the full node with this command:

gitopiad start

If you would like to run your node via systemd.

You can use gitopiad to check that everything is running smoothly:

gitopiad status