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Using other IBC-compatible assets on Gitopia

Gitopia supports using other IBC-compatible tokens on the platform, enabling projects to offer these tokens as bounties to reward contributions. Therefore, projects can offer a more diverse set of rewards to their contributors, which can help incentivize participation and increase overall project engagement.

To begin with, we have added the Osmosis and Cosmos Hub tokens as assets here. Additional IBC-compatible tokens would be added via proposals.

Before proceeding with creating bounties using the supported tokens, you must ensure that you have some of those tokens in your Gitopia wallet. To facilitate this, Gitopia generates equivalent wallet addresses for other chains supported on the platform, using the same seed as your Gitopia address.

To add tokens to your Gitopia wallet, transfer the desired tokens into the generated address and then deposit these tokens to your Gitopia wallet on the platform. When you need to withdraw these tokens, you can reverse this process by sending the tokens from your Gitopia wallet to the equivalent address in the other wallet.

Deposit Tokens

  • To deposit other IBC-compatible tokens to your web wallet, click on the wallet icon located in the top right corner of the home page, as shown in the image.

  • In the wallet menu, click on the Deposit icon next to your desired token as shown in the image.

  • A Deposit IBC Asset Dialog box will pop up. Here you can see your gitopia address under TO and the equivalent osmosis address under FROM. You will need to add tokens to the equivalent address before proceeding.

  • Once you have added tokens to the address wait a few seconds till you can see the balance under Available Balance. Next, enter the amount of tokens you want to deposit in the gitopia wallet and click on Deposit.

  • You will get a notification as shown when the deposit is successful.

  • You can see the added tokens in the wallet menu after a few seconds. You can now use these tokens to create Interchain Bounties.

Withdraw Tokens

  • To withdraw other IBC-compatible tokens from your web wallet, click on the wallet icon located in the top right corner of the home page, as shown in the image.

  • In the wallet menu, click on the Withdraw icon next to your desired token as shown in the image.

  • A Withdraw IBC Asset Dialog box will pop up. Here you can see your gitopia address under FROM and the equivalent osmosis address under TO.

  • Next, enter the amount of tokens you want to withdraw from the gitopia wallet and click on Withdraw.

  • You will get a notification as shown when the withdraw is successful.

  • You can see the remaining balance in the wallet menu after a few seconds.